Working with you, for you since 2012
Working with you, for you since 2012
Our Super-Medic classes are for KS2 and KS3. We teach students the basics of first aid and help them develop their knowledge and skills within first aid. These are very practical and engaging sessions.
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Like the best things created, Super Medics was born out of necessity. Super Medics’® author, Hannah Alsbury-Morris, wrote the course as there wasn’t anything informative & engaging of the standard she required when she wanted to start teaching First Aid to Children.
As an Ambulance Service CFR Tutor, and an experienced First Responder Team Leader, Hannah used her knowledge and the support of healthcare professionals such as Paramedics and Paediatric A&E Nurses to develop the course. Super Medics is written by people who all have hands-on experience of treating patients in response to both paediatric and adult emergency 999 calls.
Throughout the development of Super Medics we’ve consistently involved Key Stage 2 pupils in the development of our workbook. All medical text in the Super Medics book has the oversight of a registered Paramedic & their many years of clinical experience.
All our Super Medics courses not only meet, but exceed, the requirements of the new 2020 National Curriculum Requirements for Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education in England. We have designed course content around the relevant Key Stage year groups to ensure that Children have the knowledge and skills needed to be confident in their actions and to help save a life, should the need ever arise.
Our 5 week after school club is composed of five, one hour sessions, teaching learners the important of early first aid, and how it can be used to save a persons life. Have you ever had to call an ambulance? How did it make you feel? This course teaches learners how to provide early first aid and get help while keeping safe. Through role play and group lessons, learners gain confidence in completing first aid, calling an ambulance, completing CPR and using AED’s (automatic external defibrillators). We use real training AED’s in our sessions so that learners can practice putting the pads onto manikins, and learn what to do in a medical emergency. The sessions are broken down into the following one hour modules:
Super Medics Super Science is a 5 week after school science club. Learners will explore the human body through play and practical experiments each week. This club is designed to enhance our learning of first aid, by explaining how our bodies work and giving all children the opportunity to experiment and ‘get messy’! All learners will be provided with lab coats, safety glasses and gloves to use (when needed|). Learners will receive personalised certificates, a heart squishy and a Super Medics Super Science t-shirt upon completion of the course. Our 5 weekly one hour sessions are composed of the following modules:
Super Medics run First Aid courses to schools, children’s clubs and sports groups across the UK. All learners receive a copy of the Super Medics handbook and a personalised certificate upon completion of their course. T-shirts and other merchandise are available upon request. We have multiple options to best suit the individual needs of your organisation, including the following:
Duration: Approx. 1 hour
Location: Any safe, suitable venue
Assessment: None
Certification: A personalised certificate of attendance will be provided.
Handouts: A copy of the Super Medics book will be provided to each child.
Duration: Approx. 3 hours
Location: Any safe, suitable venue
Assessment: None
Certification: A personalised certificate of attendance will be provided.
Handouts: A copy of the Super Medics book will be provided to each child.
If you wish to book a Super-Medic course please complete this form and email it back to
Super-Medic Booking Form (pdf)
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